Stockholm, Sweden on 8th of April
→ Follow live broadcast from the seminar
► Program [pdf]
► Summary of the findings of the EuroHOPE project [pdf]
- The EuroHOPE study group
► EuroHOPE - Taking health care performance measurement
to the next level [pdf]
- Timo Seppälä | THL
► Hospital-level differences - Quality, uses of resources,
and their interrelationship on patient-group level [pdf]
- Unto Häkkinen | THL
► Comparing use of resources between districts and countries [pdf]
- Tor Iversen | University of Oslo
► What should the EuroHOPE project communicate
to policy-makers? [pdf]
- Eva Orosz | Eötvös Loránd University
► Synthesis of the main findings [pdf]
► Country level differences - Are they related to
health care systems? [pdf]
- Clas Rehnberg | KI - Sverige
► Regional level differences - How much do regional level factors
explain performance variation? [pdf]
- Mikko Peltola | THL
► Costs and quality at the hospital level in the Nordic countries [pdf]
- Sverre A.C. Kittelsen | Frisch Centre
CHESS-SEMINAARI 4.12.2012, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki (auditorio)
Ohjelma [pdf]
► Miksi mitata suoriutumiskykyä? [pdf]
- Timo Seppälä | THL - CHESS
► Suomen terveydenhuollon suoriutumiskyky vertailussa [pdf]
- Unto Häkkinen | THL - CHESS
► FI-NO AMI comparison: why is survival better in Norway? [pdf]
- Terje P. Hagen | Institute of health and Society, University of Oslo, Norway
► Sairaaloiden tuottavuus Pohjoismaissa [pdf]
- Hanna Rättö | THL - CHESS
Tuesday, 25th September at 14:00 - 17:00 hours
Finland's Permanent Representation to the European Union
Rue de Trèves 100, Brussels, Belgium
The programme [pdf]
► Having a heart attack is safer in Sweden or Norway
than in Finland [pdf]
- EuroHOPE | Web release 25th September 2012
► Why measure health care performance? Introduction to EuroHOPE [pdf]
- Unto Häkkinen | National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
► A framework for health system comparison of efficiency and... [pdf]
- Clas Rehnberg | Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
► In the heart of AMI - Comparing differences in Europe [pdf]
- Eva Belicza | Semmelweis University, Hungary
► Are stroke patients equally treated in Europe? [pdf]
- Antti Malmivaara | National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
► Hip fracture in Europe - are slippery regions different [pdf]
- Emma Medin | Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
► Low-birth-weight infants - Does it matter where you give birth? [pdf]
- Giovanni Fattore | Bocconi University, Italy
► Costs and quality in Nordic hospitals [pdf]
- Sverre A.C. Kittelsen | Frisch Centre, Norway
[May. 4th 2014]